A true measure of success.  A byproduct of surrender and acceptance with how things are NOW, not for what might become, but what is even if its hard.  Its the complete assurance that all is well even though…..  


Mindfulness and Meditation. Yoga Woman. Hands in Prayer Position

A true measure of success.  A byproduct of surrender and acceptance with how things are NOW, not for what might become, but what is even if its hard.  Its the complete assurance that all is well even though…..  

An understanding that reality is the opportunity to learn who we are rather than manipulate others or thing to what we want them to be.  Its the sacred space between the good and hard that doesn’t change who you are.  It’s a state of finding your rhythm of neutrality that allows you to adapt when you need to and remain strong when it is required and allowing all of it.

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