We give so others can live.  To define and determine anything based on color, race or sex is unethical.  I’ve never thought in terms of a color, race or sex as a means by which someone recieves the right to anything, something or everything and the gift of LIFE is no different.  

Every Life Matters….

Black caregiver supporting woman hand in park

We give so others can live.  To define and determine anything based on color, race or sex is unethical.  I’ve never thought in terms of a color, race or sex as a means by which someone recieves the right to anything, something or everything and the gift of LIFE is no different.  

Abortion is estimated to have killed 60 million babies lives as of 2020.  Do these lives matter?  It’s not a woman choice to have a baby if she already chose to engage in the act of procreating.  

Life starts at conception.  I am the first to tell you.  When I discovered at 21 that I survived the threat of abortion and do not have any of the 5 siblings I could have had, I knew I would devote my life to not only being a part of saving the unborn but also in supporting the mothers journey and healing.  

I’m not here to be controversial, I am here to state the facts and make it clear that LIFE is a gift and you are right… all lives matter!  

More babies have been legally and medically murdered as an act of convenience.  The rape card does not work here either when only 1% of abortions are related to rape.  

When do we make a law based on 1% of the population.  Never.  

M3 is about supporting one another in the journey towards holistic HEALth and healing.  We have partnered with 3 organizations to support their efforts in saving the lives of the unborn, protecting children from abuse and rescuing kids and women from sex- trafficking.  

I ask you to consider how your passion for living is in giving back so others can live their best life too!  I believe you will see why I believe in LIFE for everyone.


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