Everyday is a gift. Time is only how we measure it. One of my favorite scriptures says, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” – Psalms 90:12.


family spending time together

Everyday is a gift. Time is only how we measure it.

One of my favorite scriptures says, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” – Psalms 90:12. The speaks so deep to my soul for many reasons. As a 16 year old girl is was my reality as I watched my mom’s life slip out of her hands at the premature age of 37. As a mother I faced the fear of losing a tender and precious infant in my hands and today as I write this I sit with awareness of a teenager son who recently suffered a severe TBI after a skiing accident and is soon to 18 and preparing to leave home.
Daily we are faced with the extinguishing of light. If nothing is truly created or destroyed since the beginning of TIME and creation as God spoke it into motion then everything we experience is an exchange and flow of currency.

As I look at the exchange of my TIME for my life I am humbled to think I have the choice of how to spend my time.
As I look inward to the longings of my soul and outward to the world around my in the year 2021, all I can humbly ask for is WISDOM.

The wisdom to know how to invest my time for His kingdom purposes. A helpful acronym I am challenging myself with this year. As I look at TIME is to ask myself 4 questions as I choose how to invest my time.

T – Treasure & Talents
I – Intention
M– Meaningful
E– Excellence

Treasure & Talents- Is this an activity that demonstrates what I treasure and is it in alignment with my talents. Am I using my talents as an expression of what I treasure?

Intention- Can I and am I being intentional with every minute and moment of my day. Does my time spent reflect my why and priorities?

M- Is what I am doing meaningful for others or just for me?

E- Is what I am doing done with excellence? Is this an excellent, praiseworthy and admirable action that I will be pleased with no matter how it turns out, it is worth my investment for a meaningful outcome.

We can only live in the moment we have. The least we can do is the best we can give in the day we have been given with the wisdom He gives to those who ask for it.

God give us wisdom.


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