Using movements, mindsets, and methods to transform your life from the inside out.

Hey there, I’m Kelsey.

I’ve spent the last 25 years learning, living, and loving the journey of wholeness through wellness and fitness. As a mom to six kids, a wife for over 20 years, an athlete and the founder and CEO of a six-figure business, I’ve found that the “every day” is what matters most. 

I’m continually inspired and motivated by the people who work with me to motivate them toward healthy living. I’ve had the extreme privilege of coaching powerful, world-changing people: CEO’s, moms that want to reclaim their health, professional athletes, those with chronic pain, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists. I believe we all can change the world, but the most important world we each must choose to change is inside of us.


Kelsey Mercer’s three online classes each include six-days of clarity, focus, and real life strategies that you’ll be able to acess for a full year. Get ready for six days that will lead you to a transformed life. 

focus on Faith

Movement inspired by Worship. Mindset aligned with the Word of God Methods anchored to Wellness in God. 

focus on Family

Movements that energize and strengthen. Mindset shift-work that helps you reflectively respond rather than react. Methods that create healthy habits. 

focus on Fitness

Fitness is not about a gym, it’s the strength, length, and flow in your “every day.” Movement that moves you from where you are to where you want to go. 

M3: Our Signature Approach

Our Signature Approach

Kelsey Mercer’s classes use the propriety method that she created called M3. It’s a lifestyle Wellness approach; combining movement, mindset, and methods to transform your life from the inside out. 


Functional and simple movements that anyone can do almost anywhere, at anytime to reset your body during your day. 


Guided affirmations to anchor your mind and awaken alignment between what you think and what you do daily. 


One simple change everyday for healthy eating, self-care, routines, and relationships that make a lifetime of difference. 

Simplify your life

Download my FREE “Life A JAR” guide to eating on the run with 5 simple salads in a jar. Plus stay in the loop for tips, inspiration, and offers! 

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