1. No more kids toys- memories/experiences last a lifetime, plastic fills up a landfill.

My top 5 hacks for a beginning minimalist

Minimalist living room
  1. No more kids toys- memories/experiences last a lifetime, plastic fills up a landfill.

  2. No individually pre-packed food snacks etc, it doesn’t fuel a child it “fixes” the feed.  Teach kids to eat for sustainability rather than SNACKING!

  3. Take in a new -get rid of an old- clothing, kitchen, shoes, etc.  Be ready to let something go to receive something new.  

  4. Keep it classic and basic- sheets, towels, clothes, – don’t buy into the trendy styles. Create your clean space without the busyness of someone else’s branding!

  5. Touch something ONCE. Don’t’ pick something up to just put it down, to later need to pick it up again and put it somewhere else.  If you have it in your hand be done with it when you put it where it belongs!


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